Monday, September 17, 2007


I'm sitting in class, and realized that I forgot my file number at home... it's going to be a loooong day.


Anonymous said...

The website says the scores are available, but the page with my number will not load.

Liney said...

I know, they're going section by section and mine isn't up yet... All I know is I'm somewhere in the 15000s

Anonymous said...

I think they are still the February results, even though the link says July 2007.

Anonymous said...

As if they needed yo make this more suspenseful

Liney said...

Yeah, several of them still are. I noticed they changed it to "September 2007 Bar Results" at one point. I think the techie is on crack... Dude - don't toy with our emotions!

Anonymous said...

My score is up and I am in!!!