Monday, July 30, 2007

Ya know what?

I miss the whole camaraderie. Friends in person and online have dispersed. Not that I wish I was studying again... but still...


Pam said...

It doesn't help that you have to move now...

Anonymous said...

Me too. I'll probably keep up the blogging a little bit while I try to find a job. I'm sure blogging will pick up again as results day gets closer.

Liney said...

True, Pam... moving isn't helping... The bar shouldn't be right at the end of the month everyone is still frazzled and fighting over Uhauls.

Well if you keep blogging, Lisa, I'll keep reading... I'm sure I'll post around results time too - unless I've decided to fall underground and pretend like it never happened haha.

biff said...

I have some good material planned for February.

Liney said...

Sweet - we should go a step further with vlogs or something.

The Grand Poobah said...

You're right. It suddenly got very quiet. a bit nerve racking, it is.

some guy said...

Unfortunately I agree with Biff. We'll start this back up in February. Nuts. Hopefully not.

Liney said...

So if I fail, I'll totally be blogging in February... but I think I'll start a new blog under a new name to save some face.